Life is a journey, one step at a time.


Well, I didn't have to go to the hospital, thank God, and Dr. L said that I wasn't leaking fluid, but my cervix is so thin that mucus is coming out. Yuck.

Tomorrow is E's birthday and I'm sad to report that I got put on bedrest before I could get him a gift. I feel so bad. He's such a great husband, I never thought in a million years that I would get so lucky to find someone like him. It makes me all misty just thinking about it. I love him so much and he lets me know every day how much he loves me.

His family is comming over tomorrow to celibrate (yay visitors!) and his mom is going to cook. That is really sweet of her, but I feel alittle strange about it. She'll cook in my kitchen, then want to clean up. I love that the websites on bedrest say that family, friends, co-workers and neighbors would be happy to come over to your house and do chores like cook and clean. I'm sorry, but I would never have the courage to ask anyone to come over and do chores. I felt bad enough when my mom came over and made me lunch and cleaned up afterwards. But having other people doing my dishes and laundry? No way.

I've thought that I would start journaling on fitday again. Just to keep track of how much I'm eating, but not to diet. I've always worried that I would gain tons of weight during pregnancy, and now I really worry. I'm sure that my metabolism will really drop and my muscles are really going to atrophy. I know that now more than ever I need to eat healthy. Lots of fruits and veggies. Not only for the vitamins, but for the fiber (got to keep things moving through!). I've been pretty good though, I haven't been eating non stop. Mostly because I can't be going into the kitchen all the time. And I don't want to have a ton of snacks around me.

I hope this weekend is beautiful. Maybe I'll get a lounge chair and get to sit outside!