Life is a journey, one step at a time.


I knew it all along!

I'm having a boy!

I was not at all suprised, but E thought for sure that we were going to have a girl. I told him his first clue should have been that we can not come up with any boy names that we like. Nothing feels right. I only have 21 weeks left to come up with something!

At first I was just a little sad knowing that I wouldn't be buying dresses, tiny shoes, and dollys, but now I'm ok knowing that I'll have the cutest little boy around to show off. I'll have to recrute E to help buy stuff, I have no idea what little boys like.

The scarry news it that my cervix is thinner than it should be and that could put me at risk for early labor. I'm having some cramping and Monday I had some lower back pain and that worried my dr. So she's watching me close - I have another ultrasound in one week and then one everyother week for six weeks. If all goes well, then I just live life like normal, well kind of normal, I have to take it easy, get lots of rest and no sex. (????) If it gets worse, then I go on bed rest or maybe as a last resort, get a stitch around my cervix. Maybe it won't come to that. My dr. said that most women with a thinner cervix carry to full term without a problem. Hopefully that will be me.

According to my Drs scale I have only gained 8 lbs! But I think according to my scale it's closer to 12 lbs. I don't know how I managed to keep it so low! I was shocked when she told me. Well, whatever is going on, I hope it keeps up. I was so worried that I would gain 100 lbs or so. Thank goodness, it doesn't look like I will. (knock on wood!!)