Life is a journey, one step at a time.


We just got back from a holiday party given by the Radiologists that I work for. It was a big party, lots of food (that I didn't eat, I had just eaten) music and people, but it got boring fast.

Now I guess I�m getting old, but I wanted to just get home.

There was a woman there in a fancy, sparkly prom-like dress, wearing her purplish (to match the dress) sunglasses, holding her little flip phone, talking with her hands emphatically. I pointed her out to a co-worker and she informed me that she was Dr. S, a radiologist.

Oops. I stopped pointing. And laughing.

When does it become ok to wear sunglasses indoors at night? Does it depend on how much money you make? Your job title? How cool you think you are? I just bought a house and lost 30 lbs, does that entitle me to wear sunglasses indoors at night and carry my new little flip phone around?

Snobby dork!

I know there are more important issues in this world than this one, but I can�t stand snobs. I have been accused of being a snob myself and I really take offence. I never want to make someone feel like I think I�m better than they are. I�m not. I will never try to be.



I promise that this will return to my weight loss journal. I really want to get this weight off and get healthier because at the end of this month we are going to start to try to have a baby.

There is a bittersweet story here that I will soon tell.

Until then have a great Sunday.

Oh, and wear your sunglasses indoors, preferably at night!