Life is a journey, one step at a time.


When I reached 305 lbs, I really stretched my skin over the limit. Right now I feel the thinnest I have ever felt in my whole life, yet I feel the baggiest. My skin on my belly, inner thighs, arms and boobs feel like a second skin. Smooshie and skooshie and like crepe paper in some areas. Yucky and gross! I guess when your eating like it�s the last meal you�ll ever eat, you don�t think of these things.

One day I�ll tell the tale.

Food wise I did pretty good. I�ve been trying to do better these last few days since Miss S has been trying to diet. She�s trying to eat better and I notice that if she�s not perfect in her diet expectations, she beats herself up over it. I tell her not to sweat it; each meal is a new meal, each day is a new day, and I just try to be an example without being too much of a Dieting-Miss-Know-It-All because I really used to hate it when people would be that way towards me. I�m just trying to be a supportive friend��friend� being the key word here!


Breakfast: Hard-boiled egg with cottage cheese, coffee with sugar (not as much as yesterday!) and milk.

Lunch: Ham, turkey and J2G mayo on whole wheat, � cottage cheese, 2 mini Hershey�s.

Snack: 2 c popcorn (Hey! I�d forgotten about that!)

Dinner: Egg salad sandwich with � c cottage cheese.

Cals: 1499

Fat: 31% Carbs: 42% Protein: 27%

Not bad!

I�m off too copy a Conway Twitty CD for my team leader at work. Now you know how sweet I really am�I despise country western. Yikes! Just think, now I have to actually listen to the songs to see if they are ok quality! Uggg!


By morning my ears will be bleeding!