Life is a journey, one step at a time.


Yesterday, I was so hungry. Usually when I say, �I�ve got to go eat� I mean that I need to put something in my mouth. But yesterday, I was truly hungry from the bottom of my stomach. It was growling, and at one point I was getting a bit crabby. So I would eat and a short time later, my stomach would get that unfamiliar feeling of hunger.

Surprisingly, I still did well. I stayed under 1600 calories.

I couldn�t help it and stepped on the scale yesterday. It was a great number, I just can�t write it down. It is unofficial. I only want to weigh on Sundays, but temptation is too great when I see my scale. I know my weight will be a bit higher on the weekend, because I love my cocktails and they always make me swell. But hopefully my husband will continue to be supportive and we won�t go to some grease ball restaurant and chow down.

He�s trying to help and although it is nice, it is also hard to handle, because his idea of healthy is way different than the way healthy really is. But he thinks this way because he is skinny. Thank goodness he was recently blessed with a round belly. He wants to lose it and hasn�t been ordering pizzas and running up to Burger King.

Food for 7-30-03

Breakfast: Granola bar.

Snack: � cup cottage cheese, fruit cocktail bowl. This was supposed to be my breakfast.

Lunch: Turkey and tomato sandwich, popcorn.

Dinner: Grilled chicken, 1c mashed potatoes, peas.

Cals: 1465

Fat: 33% Carbs: 44% Protein: 23%

Not bad at all. Still need to work on my carb intake. I have a feeling they will always be a thorn in my side. Have a great day.