Life is a journey, one step at a time.


I havn't updated because I really have nothing to say.

Eating: Bad

Exercising: Good

The only day I took off was Sunday. I woke up too late to walk before work and when I got home E had dinner ready and was "starving" so I never got around to it. Boo hoo, I felt crappy!

I love my treadmill. I just hop on and go. Well, not that easily :) I started to get a little discouraged because I was huffing and puffing after .10 of a mile, lungs burning, legs twitching and aching and I just wanted to curl up on the sofa and cry. Then I remembered that I literally LAID AROUND for 6 weeks. On bed rest I would spend 22-23 hours laying down, barely using my legs at all. Only getting up to shower and use the bathroom. No wonder my legs are so week and I have no stamina! So, I'm just going however long and fast I can and I can tell that it's getting better. Every day I can go a little longer at a little faster pace. Sure I'm still huffing and puffing like an old goat, but I don't feel like I'm going to die anymore!

Now I just have to work on the food part. I wish I could get it together!!!!

I'm going to go look for a decent outfit to wear for today. My SIL's swearing-in is today (she is now a lawyer) and I have nothing to wear. Seriously. My clothes are so ugly and old that I'm starting to be embarrased to be seen in them. I have not gone shopping in years because I hate shopping. Everything looks terrible on me. I always think that once I lose weight I'll go shopping and for now I don't deserve any new clothes because I'm still fat. But I'm tired of looking like crap everywhere I go. So, I'm going to venture out and see if I can find something cute.

HA! Wish me luck!