Life is a journey, one step at a time.


I'm finally half way on track.

It's about time.

I haven't updated because I've been feeling like such shit and I didn't feel like writing about it.

Tuesday I did ok. I ate about 1950 calories for the day and I did 1 mile of the WATP tape. Yesterday however, was bad. I drank some wine and that always sets me off on a binge, so that brought yesterday up to 3100 calories. Today I will do good. I'm not planning to drink, and so far I've had 450 calories, so hopefully I can keep it up. I want to take D out for a walk, if the rain stays away, if not I will do another mile with my tape.

There is good news though: We have decided that I will not return to work and I will stay home with D. YaY! But the weird part is that I tried to quit and they wouldn't let me. They want to create a part-time, on-call position for me. I think it's because I owe them for x-ray school. I wonder if even though I signed a contract it is hard to collect the money. It would be ok to get a little bit of hours, as I am worried about money. I thought about getting a part time job anyway, in retail maybe. I thought about waitressing because I would like to get tips but E said I'd have to tip the customers instead!! Yes, I can be quite bitchy!

I like the idea of being a full time mom, but sometimes I worry that little D is not happy. He's awful fussy and sometimes no matter what I do, he doesn't seem to be a happy, smiley baby. But then again I have to remember that 'technically' he's only 3 weeks old. Just because he's been out of the womb for 15 weeks, does not mean that he's developed like a 15 week old. Ok, ok, I'll calm down.

Well, I need to do some light house cleaning and get my exercise in. I can't believe all the weight I've gained and now I have to start over!!!! I could complain about that all day. Hopefully today I'll remain on track with my good, clean eating! *knocking on wood*