Life is a journey, one step at a time.


Tuesday I had my ultrasound.

I cried with joy.

My little one-inch baby was dancing around in my tummy. It was so surreal. When I think back it seems like a dream to see those little arm and leg buds just moving around. Even the US tech was laughing saying how active the baby was being. The whole experience made my pregnancy more real.

I carried around my picture and would show people at work. It was so fun to tell people that I am pregnant. They would get all excited and touch my stomach. That was kind of embarrassing since I�m so sensitive about even my own husband touching my tummy. I kept thinking �My baby is only an inch big. Do they realize they are just patting fat?� But I�d just laugh along. Oh well, I guess I better get used to it as I have seven more months of tummy rubs!

I still can�t get my eating right. I had a piece of caramel cake and a hot dog that I could have done without. And E and I went and bought some ice cream because I said I wanted some. (which was strange-he never condones sweets and goodies.) But I might save that for tomorrow, movie night. Besides, I�m still full from dinner! I don�t need to stuff anymore in my stomach!

Well, I need to do laundry and other stuff I generally do on the weekend. This weekend I start X-ray school. Not to worry, we don�t work with radiation in x-ray school, just radiation safety, positioning to take pictures, ect. (My hope is to work part-time when I get back from maternity leave and that would be on the weekend as the lab and x-ray person for our urgent care clinic.) X-ray school will be for 11 weeks on the weekend and I know I will be burned out but I think it will best for the future.

So if I don�t update often it is because I will be sleeping!

Have a great Friday!!